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Operation / SetupUpdated 2 years ago

Do the legs fold down? How do I transport my Stoke Oven? 

  • Yes, the legs fold and the included carrying case wraps around the entire assembled oven. It has a handle on top for easy transport. We recommend keeping your pizza stone stored indoors away from extreme temps.

How often do I need to load wood fuel into the wood oven?

  • When cooking with the wood oven, you’ll want to keep a constant eye on the flame. If the flame begins to dwindle, add a scoop of pellets or charcoal into the hopper to feed the flame. Adding a little at a time prevents suffocating the embers and will revive the fire quicker. Blowing under the fuel basket can encourage the embers to catch newly added pellets.

How do I light my pellets?

  • The cleanest and easiest way is to use a camping fire starter, which can be found at most hardware or outdoor stores. Simply light the fire starter and place in the fuel basket on top of the pellets, then insert into the oven and wait to ignite. You can also use a blowtorch.

How many pellets should I use?

  • You should start with your basket about 50% full of pellets.

How long do I need to heat my pizza stone before cooking?

  • At least 20-30 minutes and up to an hour depending on your climate.

Where should I set up my Stoke oven?

  • We recommend setting up your Stoke on any sturdy surface that is about waist-level and can handle a bit of heat and pizza debris. Think outdoor tables, granite countertops, unfinished wood side tables, brick or stone ledges, etc.

Where can I use my Stoke? 

  • Any outdoor well-ventilated area should work great for Stoke cooking

Can the gas oven run on 1lb. camping propane tanks? 

  • Yes - you just need the correct attachment. Here’s one on amazon. Make sure it is snugly connected to the hose before connecting it to the propane tank.
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